RNA database

The RNA - Rotor-nacelle assembly database contains the RNAs that have been saved in Ashes. The RNA will thus contain the parameters from all the subpart of the RNA part. This is especially convenient when changing the type of template (for example Onshore to Offshore) or when changing a support section of the turbine.

The RNAs from the RNA database can be selected from the action button in the RNA part.

You can open the RNA database by clicking the  icon in the right-hand side of the top ribbon. The figure below shows the main window of the RNA database.

The different parts and funcionalities of this window are listed below:
  1. Search bar: looks for RNAs by typing their names
  2. Add RNA: add a new RNA based on the current model
  3. Edit: change the Name, Author and Description of the selected RNA. Note that the RNAs that are shipped with Ashes cannot be edited
  4. Remove: deletes the RNA from the database
  5. RNA list: gives an overview of the RNAs present in the database, with their Rated pwer, Mass and the diameter of the rotor.

Note: if the Generator and the Demanded blade pitch are controlled by an External controller (such as a Python script or a Bladed DLL), the rated power in the RNA databse will be showed as Not defined. This is because the controller belongs to the Wind turbine part and not the RNA part.

For example, if you select the DTU 10-MW RNA, you will be prompted with a message saying than a part of the model has an error. To solve this, go to the Wind turbine part and select an external controller from the Action buttons (see for example the Bladed DLL part).