Older versions
Version 3.13.1 [2020-03-03]
- Interpolation method for polars not applied.
- Blade shape export to STEP file format not working.
- Version 3.13.0 [2020-02-14]
In Ashes 3.13, the floating template has been removed, but we will include it back shortly.
- Several improvements to the turbulent wind tool have been implemented
- Python API for custom made python scripts
- Super-element: Craig-Bampton theory for substructures has been implemented
- Structure: Mode shapes can be exported
- Rayleigh damping has been added for linear elements
- No ramp-up option for loads implemented
- Lateral offset for the nacelle center of mass
- Origin of loads is shown in the info box for nodes
- Yaw actuators implemented
- Regression tests run every night to verify code changes
- Automatic generation of IEC-61400 load cases
- Airfoils now have a user defined reference point
- Possibility to impement prebent blades
Bugs fixed
- Element info was missing for some elements
- Eigenfrequencies were not taking water filling into account
- Blade span sensor export was messed up
- Pitch errors output of the pitch actuator sensor was not shown correctly in the graph
- Export of rectangular cross-sections was giving wrong output
- Buoyancy springs were only defined if the floater was defined from bottom upwards
- Nacelle center of mass offset was dependent of the tilt angle
- Stability of Ashes generaslly improved
Version 3.12 [2019-09-09]
- GUI: after changing parameters, the changes have to be validated
- GUI: 'Loss of torque' event added
- GUI: all parts can be made invisible
- Solver: possibility to swap between HHT and Newmark-Beta methods
- Solver: Rayleigh damping fully implemented for small deflection elements
- Solver: Convergence of the solver has been improved
- Sensors: relative velocity added to blade span sensor
- Structure: possibility to have a template wuth RNA only and no nacelle
- Controller: Yaw PID controller added
- Pitch actuators UX improved
- User manual and theory manual updated
Bugs fixed
- Structural and aero pitch angles output was the same
- The rotor characteristics tool was not using the default polar
- Element length of main shaft element was not scaled with scaling factor
- When having two sensors for one part (ex: rotor), removing one sensor would remove both
- Number of allowed parameters in rectangular shape cross section did not match headers
Version 3.11 [2019-06-05]
- Cloud: IBM cloud now supported
- Hydro: 'Mean sea level' parameter added
- UX: added error messages when external controller crashes
- Crash reports sent via https, not as mail, which was blocked by some users' firewall.
Bugs fixed
- New turbulent wind files could not be read if a previously used one had been deleted
- Models shared with a turbulent wind file could not be shared on the cloud
- Turbulent wind could not be run with user defined turbulence intensity in batch
- Multiple models were created when an Ashes file was opened from outside Ashes
Known issues
- When using blades with prebend, the prebending does not follow the pitching of the blades
Issue with turbulent wind fixed, in addition to some other minor fixes.
Version 3.10.0 [2019-05-15]
- Benchmark: automated testing of the code run every night
- UX: possibility to import models from OpenFast
- UX: direct access to the User Manual added for all parameters
- Cloud: IBM cloud implemented: contact us to use the cloud capabilities
- UX: automatic turbulent wind generation in time simulation
- Sim: Additional ramp-up function
- UX: 'export all sensors' button added
- Batch: Statistics folder added to batch results
- Aero: DTU prebend blades added to the blade database
- Sim: Initial RPM set to 0 for a blocked main shaft
- Aero: Number of BEM iterartions added to blade sensor
- Batch: All environmenral parameters added to the batch manager
- Batch: All model parameters added to the batch manager
- Aero: Cp curve generator skips TSRs that do not converge
- Hydro: Possibility to import irregular wave files
- Hydro: tuning factor for added mass added
Bugs fixed
- Angles were given in radians in node sensor
- Filling density in support structures was not exported
- Edit window in XFoil could not be closed
- Crash when searching eigenfrequencies with an external controller
- Initial pitch was not being taken into account
- Output in the wind sensor was not correct
- Rectangular cross section did not have 2 drag coefficients
- Linear solver was giving accelerations twice to big
- Material keyword was asked for even when there was no material
- Wrong line number was shown in blade error message
- 'Controller not found' error
- Output of the Support sensor was wrong
Known bugs/workarounds
- On some computers, the 'Data foler' is not installed with Ashes. To add it, click 'Tools->restore data folder'.
- On some computers, the airfoil database is not initialized properly. The first time you open Ashes, the program will crash, but will work normally after the second time.
- On some computers, the path to save batch results is not initialized properly. Go to 'Tools->Preferences-Batch computing' and set the 'Save results to' field as required.
Known issues
Enabling external controller causes error message. FIX: Open the installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\Ashes 3.9\ControllerDllWrapper\x64, and delete the folder named Qt5Core.dll. Then, copy the file Qt5Core.dll from the root installation folder into the x64 folder (i.e. from C:\Program Files\Ashes 3.9\ to C:\Program Files\Ashes 3.9\ControllerDllWrapper\x64. After restarting Ashes, the issue will be resolved. This issue will be fixed in release 3.10.
- Structure: pitch actuators added
- Structure: possibility to add inertia point to input files
- Controller: Increased stability when using DLL controllers
- GUI: max speed button added!
- GUI: added toggle on/off buttons for some loads
- GUI: legend when visualizing wind field
- GUI: possibility to have a custom x-axis range in graphs
Bugs fixed
- No cloud results when using an external controller
- Crash when closing Ashes while local batch is running
- Duplicated coordinates when exporting an imported floater
- Crash when a new blade from shape file has a polar without geometry
- Eigenmodes with stiff blades gave wrong results
Version 3.6 [2018-10-24]
- Hydrodynamics: buoyancy center info added
- Hydrodynamics: buoyancy springs now applied to both nodes of the element intersecting the water
- Hydrodynamics: buoyancy for non-vertical/horizontal cylinders implemented
- UX: speed increased when checking elements in support sections
- Structural: pinned joined implemented
- Geotech: non-linear springs take force as input
- Structural: possibility to export mode shapes
Bugs fixed
- Bug in the calculation of length of wire per coil, in PMSG generator
- Structural scale factor for blade was also scaling blade masses
- In IEC extreme winds, EWM was giving the same output as EOG
- Default damping value for the NREL 5MW tower was incorrect
- Wind loads were applied to tower even when aerodyn loads were disabled
- Crash when creating a turbine with 0 blades
Version 3.5.1 [2018-10-10]
- Blade database: structure estimation now based on the current blade
- Blade database: shape of the blade shown in airfoil view
- Batch: possibility to input load files
- Sensors: acceleration output added
- Sensors: wind sensor added
- Structure: automatically create many elements between 2 nodes
- UX: updated information in the rotor
- Possibility to apply a static force
Bugs fixed
- Creating polars with Xfoil often led to crashes
- For small blades, BEM loads at the root were unphysically large
- GUI: visualization parameters adjusted for small rotors
- It was not possible to import a tower on a multirotor turbine
- Default buoyancy tuning factor was set to 0 instead of 1
Version 3.4.0 [2018-09-10]
- - batch: possibility to run batches on the cloud
- - controller: 32-bit controller DLLs now supported
- - geotech: non-linear p-y curves implemented
- - sim: importing models based on element characteristics (instead of element geometry) now supported
- - sim: solid cross-sections added
- - sim: possibility to run static analysis
- - UX: possibility to visualize area moments of inerta
- - UX: possibility to define different coordinate systems for different parts
- - UX: possibility to rename sensors
- - sensors: statistical data added
- - sensors: possibility to lock y-axis in graphs during simulation
Bugs fixed
- - visualization was messy for small models
- - not enought significant digits on the structures of saved models could lead to mass calculation inaccuracies.
- - opening old models could lead to crashes
- - significant wave height Hs = 0 was producing crashes
- - exporting and importing towers on a floater gave an error message
Version 3.3.0 [2018-06-20]
- - sensors: kinematics added for wind, wave and current
- - sensors: all data from sensors automatically recorded
- - hydro: default parameters for floater changed, improving stability
- - hydro: possibility to include drag below sea bed (for increased numerical stability on mooring lines)
- - batch: possibility to save data after partially run batches
- - batch: possibility to save 'model as run' for each load case in a batch
- - batch: possibility to import turbulent wind and current files
- - UX: more info displayed in the main window for cross-sections
- - UX: possibility to merge graphs and open graphs in a separate window
- - possibility to import load time-series
Bugs fixed
- - Area and moment of inertia of rect cross-sections were wrongly calculated
- - Material damping info was not consistent
- - crash on selection of 'external controller' fixed
- - copying a blade with a specified mass would give the wrong mass
- - Cloud models could not be renamed
- - Blade station sensors name were wrong
- - Default floater did not have drag on the mooring lines
- Version 3.2.1 [2018-05-14]
- - Two first known issues in 3.2.0 patched.
- - Minor fixes.
Version 3.2.0
- - Batch: batches up to 2000 load cases run on the cloud. Contact us to become a pilot user!
- - Batch: all environmental parameters added to the batch
- - Hydrodynamics: wave spectrum based on equal energy components
- - Hydrodynamics: option to not iterate on the wave kinematics for each time step
- - Hydrodynamics: stability of the floater improved
- - Hydrodynamics: import of mooring lines (with point masses) supported
- - Hydrodynamics: crow foot and fairleads implemented
- - Aerodynamics: visualization of the velocity triangle added
- - Aerodynamics: Mann turbulent wind files now supported
- - Aerodynamics: option to use the unchanged incoming wind speed in BEM
- - Aerodynamics: geometry of the DU airfoils added
- - Hydrodynamics: parameter for tidal level added
- - Hydrodynamics: user defined current
- - Structure: material damping now supported
- - UX: theory manual and user manual added
- - UX: dll for OC4 semi-submersible added
- - Solver and visualization optimizations
- - Added OC3 Phase IV controller dll 64-bit
Known issues and workarounds
- - An extra tubular tower can become stuck on the platform in the Eigenmodes window. This will affect the eigenmodes, and hence give wrong results.
- - Hydro load added mass is too small, doesn't use the outer diameter as input.
- Sometimes models from the cloud don't open.
- > close ashes
- > open an explorer window and type %temp%
- > delete the ashes model that does not open
- - No mooring lines appear when importing them on a model with already imported mooring lines.
- > right-click on 'Mooring system'
- > select 'Configure moorings'
- > select the nodes where mooring lines should be connected
- > press OK
- - Sometimes templates or recent models don't open
- > restart ASHES
Bugs fixed
- - DTU controller memory/state not reset between runs
- - Old batches could not be loaded and caused a crash
- - Sensor floater was giving wrong values
- - Elements initially below sea bed were not getting hydro loads when above sea bed
- - First wind speed in turbulent wind always had mean value
- - Blades copied in the database had the wrong mass
- - Sea bed interaction was always present even when disabled
- - The blade tip node had initial 0 speed
- - Turbine could be scaled twice by pressing the scaling button
Version 3.1.6
- - Hydrodynamics: Spectral Peak parameter can be automatically calculated from DNV RP-C205
- - Hydrodynamics: Possible to specify tide level
- - Hydrodynamics: Possible to decouple drag and inertia with respect to movement
- - Batch: Possible to close a model and still have the batch running
- - GUI: Button added to scale turbine according to blade length
- - GUI: Live option for Generator
- - GUI: Live option for pitch
- - UX: added info in airfoil geometry file
- - UX: error messages when file format is wrong
- - UX: Possible to clone and then modify blades in blade database
Bugs fixes
- - all selected sensors were not applied to batch simulations
- - export of support structure with Marine growth gave wrong cross sections
- - 2 supports on one node would make ASHES crash
- - Yawing the turbine gave wrong tower shadow
- - OC5 controller was outdated
Version 3.1.5
- - New file format: previous text files will not work in this version
- - Hydrodynamics: possibility of specifying seeds for irregular waves
- - Multi-rotors: improved visualization of multi-rotors in turbulent wind tool
- - Geotechnics: soil damping now supported
- - Import/export of batch characteristics now supported
- - Generator model: asynchronous generator implemented
- - GUI: axis of the model added on the main window
- - GUI: more consistent definition of elements and nodes
- - GUI: possibility of adding sensors from the info pane
- - Hydrodynamics: flooded elements implemented
- - Hydrodynamics: marine growth implemented
- - Multi-rotors: independent sensors for different rotors
- - Gearbox: mechanical loss added
- - Simulation speed for imported truss towers greatly improved
- - Latest version of Turbsim now included in Ashes installer
Bugs fixed
- - Material was not saved when saving a model
- - Masses of the RNAs for multi-rotor turbines were not correctly accounted for
- - Springs on monopiles where only shown in the y-direction
- - The DTU blade was shipped with a mirrored structural twist angle
- - Stability of the turbulent wind tool improved
- - Hydrodynamics: current angle was not applied for elements above the MSL
- - Shared models with an external controller can now be opened
Version 3.1.0
- - Cloud features: Online sharing of models, inviting other users and creating shared folders.
- - Hydrodynamics: Wheeler stretching implemented. Can be enabled from the Sea item.
- - Hydrodynamics: McCamy-Fuchs loading on circular elements now supported.
- - Hydrodynamics: Improved numerics in surface. Better visualization of drag/inertia loads.
- - Waves: Double Jonswap spectrum is now supported.
- - Solver: New energy residual calculation, greatly improving solution correctness. Absolute tolerance can be enabled for low-energy situations.
- - Blade designer: By default, the number of structural elements will be twice the number of blade stations.
- - Blades: Polars for all Re added for S286 foil.
- - Generator models: Radial and axial generators improved for use in NTNU course TEP4175 fall 2017.
- - A Seabed part will now be active in offshore models, while Ground is shown for onshore.
Bugs fixed
- - Batch: Could not change regular wave period from 10 s.
- - Batch: Limits of input values not applied correctly, causing TurbSim to crash.
- - Sensors: Support sensor didn't show the gravity from the half of the last element.
- - Turbine characteristics: Changing model did not affect CP/CT values.
- - Live parameters were not saved.
Version 3.0.15
- - Controller: Added integrated compiler for fortran source code. Automatic recompilation when source code changes. Multiple input files supported. The DTU 10-MW reference controller is now supported and working.
- - Controller: Built-in NREL 5MW instabilities and incorrect torque curve due to wrong transition points fixed. Controller now has correct default gains. Units of gains now correct.
- - Generator: Can now set generator slip percentage and maximum generator torque percentage.
- - Semisubmersible: Default model now more stable due to more realistic structural properties. Default ballast changed to 65 % for stability.
- - Batch: Batches can now be re-run with one click. Stepwise wind file can now be set as input to a load case.
- - Batch: Turbulent wind now uses the timestep from time simulation as default.
Bugs fixed
- - Poisson's ratio of material was incorrectly saved.
- - Eigenmodes view: Tool bar buttons not working.
- - Crash when opening model with new material.
- - Front shaft bearing incorrectly placed. Improved information output of Main shaft.
- - Second time saving model would give previous model.
- - Batch: Turbulent wind number of grid points incorrect when re-running batch.
Known issues and workarounds
- - Hub Inertia value larger than 0 gives wrong eigenmodes. Default is now set to 0. Point inertias should not be used at the moment.
- - Drag and mass coefficients in support structure input file is not read correctly, and should not be used at the moment. - Mooring lines are misplaced when importing from file.
- - Rotor characteristics/Cp curve is incorrect--seems to be computed from the default turbine unaffected by changes.
- - Yawing the turbine gives incorrect computations.