Ashes 3.20
Released on 2023-06-30
1 Features/improvements
- Ashes can now be run from the Command Line Interface, enabling easier scripting and integration into other processes
- RNAs can be set as downwind, the tower shadow is then computed with the Powles model
- A fatigue report is now produced for a batch, giving a fatigue life that combines all load cases according to their probability of occurrence
- FFT graphs can now directly be plotted from Ashes
- Improvements in the display of the information window
- New S-N curves have been added
- Automatic calculation of Stress Concentration Factors for joints in truss towers improved
- Relative damage and Relative damage per cycle added to fatigue sensor output
- Load cases in a batch can be automatically generated by importing a wind rose file
- Wave conditions can be automatically generated from wind conditions in batch
- PID blade pitch controller can now be used for controllers that do not have a rated RPM (ex: Live)
- Links from error messages to UM have been added
2 Known issues and workarounds
- there can be issues when importing a support section with a custom name. Keeping the default support section solves it
- when scaling a bade up or down, the offsets of the structural sections are set to 0. They can be manually adjusted from the Blade structure text file
- Mann turbulent wind file cannot be read if there are spaces after the last semi-column. Generating such files from Ashes and copying the format solves the issue.
3 Bugs fixed
- The inertia of stiff blades was incorrectly applied when yawing the RNA
- Small stress ranges were incorrectly accounted for when estiating the fatigue life from histogram
- Output files in the Statistics folder had the suffix .txt written twice
- When a model was shared on the cloud, nonlinear springs would become linear
- The visualisation of the wind field had inverted low and high speeds