Ashes 3.28
Released on 2024-10-29
1 Features/improvements
- Hydrodynamic loads can now be computed using Potential flow theory with the Cummins equation
- Vertical axis wind turbines added, aerodynamic loads computed with the Double Multiple StreamTube algorithm (see DMST algorithm)
- Materials database added
- Load-displacement curve can be extracted from floaters drectly, to replace mooring lines
- Elements coloring according to stress
- Variable timestep option
- More fatigue preferences added
- Nonlinear rotational springs added
- Possibility to disable joints on support structure
- New Glauert correction added
- Applying parameter changes to all parts of the parameter tree
- Generator efficiency added to Python script
- Computing Cp curves with the CLI
- Adding blades to the databse with the CLI
- Timoshenko beams added for circular cross sections
- Pseudo-thickness added for circular cross sections, enabling the use of filled elements
- Loads from Python scripts can be included within nonlinear iterations
- Custom fields axes can be specified by the user
- Producing modeshapes from batch
- Fixed torque generator added
- More links to the UM added
2 Known issues and workarounds
- damping and structural pitch gives non-convergence if the rotor's initial RPM is non 0
- when importing a tower on a floater with multiple VAWT, the VAWTs disappear. Import the tower twice
- there can be issues when importing a support section with a custom name. Keeping the default support section solves it
3 Bugs fixed
- Running a simulation with Timoshenko beams and a circular shape cross section would use Euler-Bernouli
- 6x6 spring matrix support was not producing the correct model
- In the airfoil database, polars could be visualised for airfoils that did not have polars
- When using a Python controller, the demanded pitch angle would go to 0 if the simulation was paused
- crash when selecting a turbulent wind from file for a model without RNA
- crash when going to eigensolver with a model that had p-y curves
- crash if a model was using the incorrect file as eigenmodes initial conditions
- wind shear was visualised upside down
- Heave plates added mass not applied correctly