Peeringa benchmark
1 Test description
This test verifies that the wave elevation produced by Ashes when using Stream function waves is the same as that presented in Test 1 of Peeringa (2005b).
2 Model
The structure in this simulation is irrelevant to the results, since we are interested only in the wave elevation. The simulation is run as Loads only (see Analysis).
The regular wave modeled in the test has a wave period
$$T = 10\text{ s}$$
, a wave height $$H = 10\text{ m}$$
in a water depth $$d=20\text{ m}$$
. The wave is modeled as a stream function wave of order $$N=12$$
. The other parameters related to the stream function wave algorithm are left as their default value, i.e. Converence criterion of 0.0004, 10 height steps and a maximum number of iterations of 20.3 Benchmarked solution
Peeringa (2005b) gives the wave elevation of such a wave for one period, from crest to crest. The wave elevation is shown in the figure below:
4 Results
The test is considered passed if the results from Ashes are within 0.1% of the benchmarked solution.
The report can be downloaded from the following link: