Loads on node sensor

You can add a sensor that gives you all the loads being applied on a node, called Loads on node sensor. Note that in Ashes, all loads are given a unique number for the duration of the simulation. This number can be found by going to the FEM diagnistics tab when opening the info button in the top ribbon (see Simulation window). In the Loads on node sensor, this number will appear in parenthesis next to each load.

You can right click on the node and toggle the sensor on by clicking the sensor button, as shown on the picture below. Note that it is easier to visualize the nodes in wireframe mode by clicking the Wireframe button in the top ribbon of the Simulation window.

Only the loads that are applicable will be shown in the sensor. For example, if no aerodynamic coefficients are specified for a given cross section, no aerodynamic loads will be applied on the nodes defining elements with this cross section. You can see how to specify coefficients in the Cross section keyword of the Keywords section

In Ashes, the loads are computed for a given element. Therefore, for nodes that belong to two elements (for example defining the end of one element and the beginning of the other), you might see two contribution of a same type of load. The figure below provides an example for a node on the tubular tower. This node receives contributions of aerodynamic drag from the two neighbouring elements. Therefore, you can see two Aero drag load in the sensor, specified by their node number. You can find a list of all nodes acting on the tubular tower by opening the Elements and nodes section of the tubular tower part (as shown in the previous picture) and go to the Loads tab.

The Loads on node sensor provides the following fields. Note that for each load, the magnitude is given (with the text "mag." in parenthesis) and then the 3 components of the vector are listed.

The components of the vectors are given in the global coordinate system (see Coordinate systems)

Aero drag loadNAerodynamic load corresponding to the drag term of the Morison equation
Gravity load - MaterialNWeight of the material composing the element connected to the node
Hydro drag loadNHydrodynamic load corresponding to the drag term of the Morison equation
Wave load inertiaNHydrodynamic load corresponding to the inertia term of the Morison equation due to the wave particle acceleration
Added mass (perp.) eq. loadNHydrodynamic load in a direction perpendicular to the element, equivalent to the added mass term of the Morison equation (therefore due to the motion of the structure)
Buoyancy loadNBuoyancy of the element
Gravity load, fillingNWeight of the material filling the hollow cross section composing the element, typically water filling the monopile. Equal to 0 if no filling is specified
Gravity load, growthNWeight of the marine growth on the element. Equal to 0 if no marine growth is specified
Seabed frictionNLoad produced by the friction of the seabed on the element (see the Mooring system part for more info)
Seabed stiffnessNLoad produced by the stiffness of the seabed on the element (see the Mooring system part for more info)