From wave and wind conditions

It is possible to generate load cases from text files containing a wind rose or a scatter diagram. This is still in beta.

Example files for wind and wave files are given in the Text file example folder.
The wave scatter file contains the number of occurrences of a sea state i.e. Hs and Tp).The probability of occurrence is computed directly by dividing the number of occurrences per load case by the total occurrences.
The wind file contains the parameters of a Weibull distribution for different wind directions and the probability of occurrence of each direction. Note that the mean wind speed can be included for illustartive purposes, but it not used by Ashes.
Ashes computes the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for each wind speed. The probability of occurrence of one load case is the the CFD of the wind speed of that load case minus the CFD of the previous wind speed. For the first load case, the CFD of that wind speed is consired. The probabilty of occurence of the last load case is such that the sum of probabilities is 1